Thompson Spear Point


With the hunting, fishing and gathering lifestyle of the Secwepemc, a wide variety of efficient tools were needed.

These tools were made using raw materials from plants, animals and rocks.

Tools were very important in helping the people survive.

Tools were usually made during the winter months when people had more time. Tools were also mended and repaired as they were used.

A master craftsman could design the shape and size of the points to suit a particular need such as skinning a deer or for an arrow or spear point.

Archaeologists have found that the styles and methods of making points changed over time as the Secwepemc developed new and better techniques for hunting and making tools.

Activity: Research and Art

Would you like to make a replica of the tools the Secwepemc people used? First find some information on the tools used long ago by the Secwepemc people. Then create a model of the tools using papermache. Remember to label the tools and indicate their uses.

Important Information to Remember:
  • Tools were made using the raw materials from plants, animals and rocks.
  • Arrowheads or points were made of obsidian or other hard stone.
  • Bone hooks used for fishing were usually made from deer.
  • Needles were usually crafted from hardwood or bone.
  • Rope and line were made from the fibers of the Indian Hemp plant.
  • Beaters and spindles were made from Cottonwood.
  • Shafts for spears and nets came from Fir or Juniper tree saplings.
  • Wedges, mauls, adzes were made form antler, hardwood and stone.