Tek'wilc at work

Certain people were destined and trained to become a medicine man (Tek'wilc). Their upbringing and lifestyle from birth was controlled to ensure they would develop the power to heal. A medicine man was usually a man, but occasionally a woman became a Tek'wilc as well.

This story about an Indian Doctor illustrates some of the beliefs of the Secwepemc:

Most of the Txuxkexwa'nk people (Buckskin Creek Band, a band no longer in existence) were living in two large underground houses. A man got sick and a Tek'wilc tried to cure him.

After much trouble, he found the cause of the sickness and sucking it out, held it between his hands so that the people could see it. It was like a small piece of buckskin. He went outside to throw it away. Dividing it into two, he blew on it and threw it up in the air, asking it to leave.

The two pieces went different ways, one piece striking the ladder of one underground house and the other piece settling on the roof of the second house. As soon as they touched the house, they changed into clots of blood. Within two days all the people of both houses died. (Source: Teit, v.2. Pt VII p. 613.)


A Tek'wilc gained his powers from rigorous training and receiving of guardian spirits, songs or dances. Some used natural forces such as air, water, fire or earth to help them achieve the desired effect. A Tek'wilc might use his animal transformation spirit to conduct a ritual or to travel through the spirit world. A Tek'wilc could also choose to harm others.

Sometimes the Tek'wilc was unknown to the people. Because of this, all people needed to show respect for everyone, especially the elders. Respect is shown by not walking directly behind your elders, not walking between people who are talking and being calm.

Sometimes people who believed they possessed the power of being a Tek'wilc, but did not, were more apt to harm themselves or the people they were trying to help.

Activity: Research

Would you like to know more about the role the Tek'wilc played in the village? Use books and talk to your elders to see if you can find out more. Once done write a report. Be sure to list all the qualities and duties of a Tek'wilc.

Important Information to Remember:

  • If a person was to become a Tek'wilc he would spend his entire youth in training.
  • Tek'wilc were usually men but sometimes a woman was chosen.