Child in Cradleboard

A mother preparing for her child's birth gathers the items needed and organize a birthing area. She would make sure there were lots of clean bedding and blankets ready in advance.

When she was ready, she called her designated midwife. A midwife is the woman who will help her deliver the baby. The midwife prepares herself by bathing in special medicine before attending the birth. She inspects the birthing area, makes any additional preparations and ensures everything is clean for the new baby.

After the baby is delivered the midwife cuts the umbilical cord and wipes the baby with the warm water and dry cloths. The child is wrapped in blankets to keep it warm and the the midwife makes sure the baby is breathing.

Preparing for Birth:

A young mother was taught to endure pain, and not to yell or scream while in labour.

During her pregnancy, she drank different herbal medicines or teas to help the body prepare, to endure the pain and to cleanse the body after birth.

She was not allowed to eat any food with fat. Everything had to be boiled or steamed.

Then the midwife massages and pushed down on the mother's stomach area so that the afterbirth would be removed. Sometimes the afterbirth and umbilical cord were burnt. The midwife then washes the mother using warmed medicine. The mother uses a pad filled with scraped red willow bark to absorb the blood and to help cleanse her body.

After the birth, the new mother will purify herself. When she is able to get up and around she pours water, in which red willow and rose bushes had been soaked, onto heated rocks. The steam rises and cleanses her. She also drinks special medicine to help cleanse her system.

The father often assisted in the delivery of his child by tending the fire necessary to heat the medicine and water warm. He sometimes cooked for his wife while she was recuperating.

It was custom to keep the baby's umbilical cord. After the umbilical cord dropped off from the baby, the mother wrapped it in a clean cloth. Some mothers kept it wrapped and stored in the home, so that the child would always return when he or she became an adult. Some mothers put their child's umbilical cord in an anthill, so that their child would learn to be a hard worker like the ants. Other mothers burned their child's umbilical cord, believing that the child would never steal. Another way was for the mother to fix a pouch and put the umbilical cord inside. Some would hang the pouch in their home, while others would wear it as an ornament. Some hung it from the baby's cradleboard. Whatever belief was practised, the main purpose was to have a healthy child that would be given the advantages of leading a fulfilled life.

Activity: Science

If you are curious about how a baby develops inside of its mother find a book on the development of the human fetus. Once you have found the information create a poster showing the different stages of fetal development.

Important Information to Remember:
  • A midwife was used during the birthing process. Her role was to prepare the birthing area heating plenty of hot water, and sterilizing the knife for cutting the umbilical cord.
  • The new mother purified herself. Red willow and rose bushes were soaked and poured onto heated rocks. The steam rose and cleansed her.
  • She also drank special medicine which helped to cleanse her system.
  • The baby's umbilical cord was kept and some mothers followed special customs.